Probus Club of Balwyn NorthANNUAL PROGRAM – 2023 – 2024

To view the annual program of events and functions for The Probus Club of North Balwyn Inc. A0016781Z

select the following link.
PDF Document 2020 Meetings & FunctionsCopy of PCNB All 2025 Mtgs Functions Final

Functions, Day Trips & Theatre

Caption BusFunctions: – Convener Richard Heal develops & instigates interesting day trip outings throughout the year.

The following functions have been organized as follows: –

Stay tuned for new functions and activities for 2025 to be advised in our newsletter. 

Change over Luncheon:

The change over Luncheon has been organised at the Kew Golf Club 120 Belford Road Kew East Victoria 3102 on Tuesday 15th April Commencing at 12pm to welcome the new President Stephen Millard and his committee and to thank outgoing President John Thwaites for his leadership over the past 12 months.

See the newsletter for more details

SIG Convenors Christmas Breakup:
BBQ at Ruffey Park Lake on 26th November 10am – 2.00pm, hopefully the weather will be in our favour this year, sheltered cover with three designated BBQ’s available with Toilet facilities a very short walk away.
This year event was attended by 26 members and partners for a BYO picnic lunch, drinks.   All members and Associates were invited to attend providing lots of fellowship and laughter.

Christmas Lunch and 40-year Celebrations:
Christmas Luncheon:

 Was held at the Kew Golf Club 120 Belford Road Kew East Victoria 3102 on Tuesday 17th December. The luncheon and celebration of the 40 years of our club commenced at 12pm. 

It was attended by 52 guests with Mike Ransom Chairmen of PSPL presenting the 40-year certificate to the President John Thwaites.

It was a two Course meal, entree and main with celebrating cake for sweets at a cost 0f $65.00pp Drinks and refreshments to be purchased at the bar.

Trips & Excursions: 

Stay tuned our next Trip excursion is now in the planning stage which will be held later in 2025, details will be notified when complete. All ideas are welcome please send them to Nino Xerri at his Email address <>

The following event was organised by Nino Xerri ably assisted by Richard & Robyn Heal leading the way on the Silo Art Trial. (see the Photo Gallery for more photos)

Echuca Excursion:

The PCNB organized an excursion to Echuca on the 22nd – 25th October 3 Night stay (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday checking out on Friday at the Georgian Motor Lodge: 373-375 High Street Echuca. Pleasant Drive to Heathcote meeting at our starting point Gaffney’s Bakery for morning tea.

Website: georgian motorlodge

DAY 1. TUESDAY: 22/10/24

Our travellers starting on our journey in Echuca and surrounds.

Drive to Colbinabbin  view the towns iconic painted silos then a short drive for lunch at Rochester Bakery. Photograph local silos and murals. Then short drive to Echuca staying at Georgian Motel, our home for the next three days.

Ending the day for a group dinner at The American Hotel enjoying our evening meal and discussing day’s events.

 DAY 2. WEDNESDAY: 23/10/24

After breakfast, group meet in the Motel Courtyard. Undertook a 19-minute drive to the picturesque township of Tongala to view and photograph the 30 murals detailing the history of Tongala as well as the Vietnam War Memorial

Lunch at Burnt Butter Café Kyabram to relax and chat about the day’s adventures.

Walked around the shopping centre visiting Ron Iddles Mural highlighting  his family life and career, then viewing a very descriptive mural of Kyabram township and well know personalities and achievements. Visited water tank mural then Drive back to Echuca at our comfortable home base. Ending the day at the Caledonian Hotel for enjoyable meal and lots of fun and laughter.

DAY 3. THURSDAY: 24/10/2024

After breakfast meet in the courtyard and drove to the historic Port of Echuca for a stroll along their “Main Street” Murray Esplanade

Our group embarked on a 1-hour Murray River Cruise aboard the PS Pevensey Paddle Steamer.

Wine Tasting at St. Anne’s Winery tasting their wares. Visited Art Gallery and shops.

Lunch at well-known Echuca Beechworth Bakery.

Rest of afternoon at leisure exploring shops and other interesting places in Echuca.

Meet tin he Courtyard for a Shuttle Bus trip to Rich River Country Club in Moama. For dinner and wind down day’s events.

DAY 4. FRIDAY: 25/10/24

After breakfast met at 9.00am and headed off to the iconic Silo Art Trail Australia’s largest Outdoor Art Gallery, which links many towns of the Wimmera/Mallee Region.

Richard and Robyn Heal guided us through this tour stopping at Picola, Katamatite,

Tungamah, St James, Devenish, Goorambat viewing all the magnificent Silo Art.

Then continued to Benalla for a windup lunch at Munro & Sargeant Café and Rose Garden by the Lake. After lunch we all headed our way home.

In all our trip embraced the mantra of Probus Fellowship Fun & Friendship.

See the Photo Gallery Page for further Photos of the trip.

Don Eltringham Shoot 17th October 2024.

The crew gathered at Don’s home on Thursday 17th October at 10.30am to set up camera lighting equipment to set the stage for this important filming on our centurion.

Richard Heal setup his camera equipment with two video cameras and a mobile phone as a back-up. Rodney Manser set up the lighting which lit up the room to perfection. However, Don could not cope with the intensity, so it was dialled down to make him comfortable.

Shooting commenced at 11.30am after introduction and reversals with Peter Smith Channel nine personality. His professionalism certainly helped the crew with the shoot.

Stephen Millard was our leader and arranged the range of questions and with the assistance from Don’s daughter Janet Selvay the morning went extremely well.

Don has had demanding major roles during his career. He managed the interview with professionalism and handled the situation extremely well. ?

At end of the shoot lunch there was a selection of sushi which was enjoyed with positive conversation continuing with the Probus mantra Friendship, Fellowship & Fun

Our Editor Griffin Nicol (Step Grandson of Rodney Manser) has the task of assembling the video presentation with importing family photos and stories from work comrades.

It is planned that the video will be made available at a future meeting in the new year.

A huge thank you to Stephen Millard and his team including Janet Selvay (Don’s Daughter) for arranging this important project.

Dates for your Diary for 2024

Richard Heal is organizing a Christmas Lunch on 17th December, watch for updates in future newsletters for more information.

Denis Spinley has passed the baton onto Richard Heal who will now be investigating new Theatre events information to be provided in the new year.

SIG Convenors annual Christmas BBQ/Picnic is on 26th November at Ruffey Lake Park.

Theatre Events: – Convener Richard Heal organises interesting theatre events and cinema events throughout the year.

  Cinema Events:  – Richard Heal convenor will organise events of interest during the year.

Palace Cinema Balwyn – for Seniors

 Tickets are $10.00pp for Seniors or $8.00 for members of the Golden Club. 

Complimentary Morning Tea on the session before 12pm every Wednesday
Morning Tea includes a mini-sweet with a self-service tea and coffee station

Golden Years screenings every Wednesday at 11am 

Maria – 5th February
Widow Clicquot – 12th February
Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy – 19th February
The Last Shower – 26th February

Tickets: $8 Golden Club Member, $10 Senior Ticket

Movies: –


See their website for the full Movie selections and Screenings see Palace Balwyn Cinema – website click here


The following Special Interest Groups (SIG’S) meetings will be held at Balwyn North Uniting Church, Duggan Street, Balwyn North (Melway MAP Ref. 46 F3).  Anyone is encouraged to join us and will be made welcome, please contact one of the conveners for more information. Currently the SIGs are meeting face to face.

Computer GroupComputer Group: – Convener: Rodney Manser – meets on the Fourth Tuesday in the month.

Meetings commence at 10.00 am with a small contribution to offset morning tea & site fees. These meetings cover various interesting topics including hardware, software items and video presentation of technology updates. Website updates and data sharing are discussed to update content.

 Heritage & GenealogyHeritage/ Genealogy Group: – Convener: Graydon Findlay – to recommence meetings at Balwyn Library Room 2 @10 .00 am till 11.30am on the second Monday in the month.

Through talks and discussions at meetings and by visiting relevant interesting venues, the group helps members develop skills to research and record their family history and to learn about places that have significant heritage values. Please contact Graydon for details.

Investment GroupInvestment Group: – Conveners: Harold Ball, Denis Spinley – meets on the Second Thursday in the month.

Diverse topics are discussed on world activities affecting the global share markets. 
How covid pandemic and the unrest in European conflicts have influenced these markets throughout the world.  


Photography /Travel Group: – Convener: Nino Xerri – meets on the Third Tuesday in the month.

Meetings commence at 10.00 am, with a small contribution to offset morning tea & site fees. Photographic challenges covering assorted topics & Travel expeditions with submissions from the members. Outside visits are scheduled from time-to-time presenting members challenges on a specific topic. Guest speakers covering Travel interests are invited.

The following Special Interest Groups (SIG’S) meet at various locations as indicated in each group.

Dine Out SigDine Out: – Conveners Gerald King, Bruce Mcinerney on rotating basis.

Dinners are held at conveniently located hotels and social clubs on the third Wednesday in the month, starting at 6.00pm. Wives, partners, and friends are always welcome.

Golf SigGolf: – Convener Bruce Mcinerney
The once-a-year golf tournament for the Probus Club have been held at the Freeway Golf Course starting at 10am. A trophy will be presented to the winning player. Players interested in competing in this tournament please contact Bruce Mcinerney for the next event for 2024.

Walking GroupWalking Group: – Convener: Richard Heal – meets on the Third Friday of the month.

Meetings commence at 10.30 am. Various walks are organized within the district meeting at a designated starting point. Lunch being organized at a local café within proximity. New walkers are most welcome to join the group.

North Balwyn Probus Club Ladies Group: – Convenors Robyn Heal, 0408 526 342, Margaret Lanz 0414 295 550, & Sandy Muir-Smith 0418 128 958.

The Ladies group has been recently formed for the members partners who meet at various locations for chat and friendship.

Morning Coffee to be held at “The Travelling Bandit,” at 287 Doncaster Road, Balwyn North, (in the Greythorn Shopping Centre), on Wednesday, March 19 at 10.30 a.m. Anyone interested in joining the group should contact Robyn Heal on 0408 526 342 or at

Please contact one of the convenors to advise your intention to attend.

Woodcraft Woodcraft: – Convener: Don Macdonald – meets on the First Monday in the month. (Currently in hibernation.)

Meetings commence from 9.00 am until noon. Held at Woodcraft Manningham off Foote Street Templestowe (Melway Map Ref 33 E5) at Templestowe Village State School Building—near RSL. There are 1st class woodcraft facilities with an efficient exhaust duct system and modern safe equipment. Any member with an interest in wood turning is very welcome. Contact Don Macdonald for further details.

To view full details of the monthly Special Interest Group’s (SIG’s) select the Newsletter page which will cover the full details.

If you would like more information about any of the Activities of our club, please use the Contact Form on the Contact Us page.